Friday, March 06, 2009

Still alive.

God I am so over blogging right now. Can you tell? My lack of enthusiasm is... apathetic. Work is full on. I do still love it, but I've had the most hectic week. I'm actually glad that I'm rostered to work tomorrow. I have so many little jobs to catch up on.

I'm still at the gym 4 times a week. I still try to go 5, but it never really happens. PT is happening once a week. And I adore it. My trainer is so awesome.

And I'm trying to squeeze in dancing and a social life. Its a tad crazy. I'm going to Mardi Gras tomorrow. I'm not expecting it to be a big one, but it should be pretty cool. And then I'm going to the Jenolan Caves the next week. So I should have some pretty amazing photo's coming up in the next few weeks. And that's all I can promise right now...


Cazzie!!! said...

Have an awesome time this weekend and also at the caves..I look forward to the pics. Just chill woman...and have fun ok :)

Joshua said...

Yeah I know the feeling of not being into blogging. I'm kind of in the same boat myself.

I can't wait for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Oh I hear you about the blogging!!
There are a lot of wankers out there in blog world, sometimes you wonder if it is worth it...

anyhoo, I'm glad you're still 'around'. xx

Ben said...

Same boat here... life is getting in the way.

Have fun... try not to fall down a giant chasm in the caves.

unique_stephen said...

The caves are moist but could be warmer.

fingers said...

Did you accidentally post your Facebook entry for today on the blog...

Ms Smack said...

I'm dying in blogging too. Finally and slowly phasing out.


Maggie said...

Hope you had a great time!