Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bring it on

I don't know what it is, but I take a very, very perverted glee from causing chaos. Piss me off at work and I won't retaliate as such, but you guarantee that one week late something chaotic will happen. And I'll just be sitting back, enjoying my handiwork.

The same thing is happening (inadvertantly) at home. The other day the original flatmate asked if I was really moving out.
'Where are you going?'
'Don't know yet'
I could see the cogs turning in his mind. 'She's suddenyl leaving, with no place to go. Something must be up...' But he doesn't ask. He just lets it go.

I'm getting ready for dancing less than 10 minutes later and hear thefollowing conversation outside.
'But [the bloke I was shagging] is in Melbourne.'
{insert quiet bit of conversation here}
'I can't beleive you didn't know!'
'I had no idea'
'You said something at PJ's the other night'
'No. I didn't think it had actually happened'

My interpretation is that he has gone outside to discuss the possible reasons I have for moving out with the newer one. Why he didn't ask me, I'll never know. But it seems that the newer has been told at some stage, and proffered it as a possible reason for me leaving, seeing as I won't be playing with his mate anymore.

Methinks the original has found out I did the naughty with his best mate.

Time to sit back and watch...


Steph said...

Oh dear. *gets popcorn to watch the fireworks*

The Mutant said...

Steph hon'... Don't be keeping that popcorn to yourself! Shimmy over a bit, I'm watching too! I heart carnage!

Phish, you know this has soooo much potential so don't leave out one. Tiny. Detail!

phishez said...

Hmmm. Not much to tell as yet. *sigh* It will out in the end. And it will be funny.