Friday, April 21, 2006

Theres alot to be said for...

Teamwork, organisational skills and co-ordination.

Our sister department has recently ordered in more rats than they know what to do with. They literally do not have the required number of boxes to house these animals. They have known about this for about three months. And they order the boxes to come in THE DAY BEFORE the animals arrive.

Tuesday comes around. No boxes. Uh-oh. They need to be washed before they can be used, and then autoclaved FOR 16 HOURS before use. And there is WAAAY more than one autoclave load of boxes ordered.

Wednesday arrives. So do the rats. But still no boxes. Frantic calls to the sister departmental manager. The useless one doesnt want to know. An hour passes while we frantically try to find many years previously discarded boxes for housing the little fuzzy ones. (One of the joys of working in an institution... nothing ever gets thrown out.) Then we get a call. The boxes have arrived... at the dock a kilometer away, and they want our department to arrange transport to get them to us. We call the useless one. The boxes arrive late that afternoon.

Here is a list of the things that are wring with the boxes

1) They were not what was highly recommended to buy, and not what the order codes were supplied for, from our own staff.

2) They are not autoclavable. And, by looking at them, I'd think that if the rats ever got a tooth-hold in them, they'd be chewed through in a few days.

3) They had no lids. If you've ever known a pet rat you'll know they are extremely smart, inquisitvie animals, who are rather adept at escaping. NO LIDS DAMMIT!!!

4) The water bottles that arrived with the boxes are tooo small.

5) The water bottle sippers are no longer used in our department because removing them causes people to get RSI. And they also ordered the same metal sippers that we normally use! (WTFness?!?)

6) The water bottle racks are too small to fit the water bottles.

I had to laugh when I heard all of this. There were others who were extremely pissed (not that I blame them, but out of laughing and being pissed, everybody is safer with me being insane). This could have been easily avoided, excet the useless one does not listen to the most senior member of her staff. He supplied the info from the last order, of the boxes that have been used for the past couple of years, that work quite well. And she went off and found all new info, and ordered, without checking to see, from the grass-roots level staff, if they would be applicable to our facility.


Steph said...

Lordy, what a shambles. you're too good to be slaving for the likes of them girlfriend *snaps fingers*

Jana_no1 said...

We had a simialar problem here when our new photocopier was ordered. Our IT Department in Melbourne decided to get us a new Photocopier/scanner/God knows what else it can do.... but did not ask us what features we wanted with the copier. A sorting tray would have been great, along with one that staples. But apart from that the copier does the job it's supposed to, as long as you are not copying 80 documents, that need to be stapled seperately.