Sunday, June 25, 2006


Yep. Another meme. This one is taken from The Professor. Hope you don't mind sweets.

A - Available: yes/no. I am in a casual relationship, nothing serious, but am not looking for anything more.
Age: 22.11mths
Annoyance: crying babies
B - Best Friends: I love em all
Beer: XXXX Bitter
Birthday: July 28
C- Crush: Not at the moment
Car: I have clancy, a 2004 Holden Astra
Candy: chocolate
D - Day or night: Night.
Dream Car: F series truck
Dog or cat: I am an animal person, so both, but at the same time I lean towards cats
Easiest person to talk to: the original, future husband
E - Eggs: unfertilised
Email: I have a few
Favorite Month: September/October, for the weather
Favorite color: Red
Favorite Memories: Three years of them at uni
G - Gummy bears or worms: Bears
Giver or taker: Giver
Gum: don't normally chew but when I do its wrigleys extra peppermint
H - Hair Color: Red
Height: 166cm
Happy: its in the eye of the beholder
I- Ice Cream: Lemon, or berry
Instrument: me
Idol: i hope this isnt meant to be australian idol style
J - Jewelry: nosering, five sleepers and a dangly, cuz I lost the other sleeper a while ago.
Job: I work with animals
Juice: orange
K- Kids: I am auntie to the originals kids, and thats enough for me right now
Best kisser: SR
Kindergarten: was a long time ago
L - Longest Car Ride: sydney to Brisbane in one day
Longest relationship: sadly, I dont have anything to brag about. I like my independance too much
Last Kiss: SR
M - Milk flavour: Lactose intolerant, so NO
Most missed person(s): Right now... Future husband, Stu, Rach, Alex basically my uni mates.
Movie Last Watched: Narnia. But I fell asleep about 30mins in. Does that count?
N - Number of Siblings: 2
Number of Tattoos: 2
Name: Steph aka Phishez
O - One Wish: success in whatever form suits
One Phobia: spiders
One regret: life's too short for regrets
P - Pet Peeves: people who talk too much. Sometimes it is ok to be quiet.
Part of your appearance you like best: face
Part of your personality you like best: all of it
Q - Quick or Slow: both have their merits
R - Reason to smile: Kitties, freinds, relaxation
Reality TV Show: Is crap
Reasons to cry: too many
S - Song Last Heard: Weight of Love by Leann Rimes
Season: Spring
Shoe: 10
T - Time you woke: about 7.30, but didnt surface until about 8.30
Time Now: 724pm
Time for bed: 10.30 to 11ish normally.
U love someone: I love lots of people. not in love with any one of them though
Unpredictable: I'd like to think so
V - Vegetable you hate: Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts
Vegetable you love: carrots
Vacation spot: Queensland
W - Worst Habits: too independant. I like it, but its hard to be vulnerable with people someimes
Where are you going to travel next?: Victoria, got a friend getting married in September
Weather right now: been a bit cold and foggy in the am
X-Rays: broke my right wrist when I was 7
X-Rated Porn: yep. I have some (lots)
Y - Year you were born: 1983
Year it is now: 2006
Yellow: works for bananas. But not me
Z - Zoo Animal: FFS! They're all awesome. Except tapirs. They's just dirty
Zodiac: Leo and loving it


Greyhound Girl said...

This is great! I liked it! (IT's a fun one, eh?) And I will interview you. Please give me a week- I want to try and read your entire blog before I create your questions!

phishez said...

You can have as much time as you like. I'm looking forward to it.

jeut said...

You know why they call it 'XXXX'? Because their customers can't spell 'Beer'. :-P

Kidding, kidding. I like XXXX too (with much teasing from my mates, haha).

Glad to hear you're a porn fan as well! Haha. Not enough people appreciate a good skin-flick. ;-)

phishez said...

jeut - skin flick! Thats a horrible name for a porn. Most of the time they have horrible skin!

jeut said...

hehe. my bad for using outdated terms. maybe I'm showing my age? :P hahaha

Steph said...

Hope you's ok now shnookums. I missed ya.
Longest fecking meme in the world, and i can't believe you hate Brussel sprouts........well yes i can, everyone seems to. I, on the other hand, adore them :)

phishez said...

Dollop - each to their own. I happen to think that VB is the worst beer ever brewed. Vomit Bombs!

Jeut - maybe they had porn stars that actually had good skin back in the day...

Steph - Yes. Am ok now. The cats are safe. They've actually learnt how to get under the covers without waking me! And about the brussel sprouts... I'd call you a freak, but its a bit like the carpet calling the razor hairy.

Clueless - have you been lurking here long? and yes, anybody can do this one if they want to. I find these things very interesting.