Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am returnded

Hello fellow bloggers. I have given up all hopes of finding a life. For a while there I seemed to be doing pretty well. But that was then, and now is blogging.

I have myself a pretty new computer. So I intend to spend my weekend sitting in front of it, slowly making myself blind. Yes people... this one's got a DVD player!!! So I can watch as much porn as I want. Apparently self love makes you go blind too. Who'd've thunk it?

But the advantage of having a shiny new 'puter, and a shiny new phone, is that they combine to override my almost complete technological fucktardary!!! Thus, I have pictures...

Rai (pronounced Rye(as in the seed)-AH(as in the noise you make after sex)


Rai again, just cuz its pretty

Me and boots, two pretty faces in one pic

Just because I can

Y'all come back now!


Chuck said...

Congrats on your new computer. I love new technology. It's just too bad my budget can't keep up wiht my wants....

Lily said...

Welcome back!

phishez said...

Thanks guys. Its great to share my (I guess you'd call it) existance with you.