Sunday, February 19, 2006

Its been a week since I posted.

So enjoy this

1. First blog you ever read?
Jeb's. I was put onto it by a good friend of mine, Kezza, who inspired me to start my own blog.

2. What inspired you to start your own?
Hmm, need to think about that for a bit. I needed to start my own blog account to post comments on Kezza's blog

3.The best and worst about blogging?
Best- Getting to know people who live in totally different situations, and finding about their everyday mundane life. It might be boring to them, but I think its hell interesting.

Worst - There's a worst?

4. Who was the first person to comment on your blog?
Probably Kezza

5. What has been your most popular blog entry?
The crab one seemed to get a few laughs

6. If I re-named my blog I would call it...
Saintly Optional. I dont know if I would change it. I like my blog name

7. If my blog had a theme song it would be...
You sound like Louie Badet (the Whitlams)
"And we rolled on in my back shed, played some poker scratched my head, look at the sky and spot the planes, where would I go on holiday, roll with the punches down the ailes and down the streets, the weeks roll by" "all my friends are fuck ups, but they're fun to have around, banana chairs out on the concrete, telling stories to the stars, how geminis love water dragons yeah, and how down the street the weeks roll by". Very wierd and random

8. If my blog was a room it would look like...
A college dorm, complete with bottle collection

9. Five bloggers I would like to have over for dinner.
Kezza, Steph, Zach Braff, Me, and, uhhh... I think I need to stay in more

10. Two bloggers you would like to set up on a blind date?
Me and Kezza, just so we could catch up face to face for a bit

11. Somebody I wish had a blog?
Scott Speedman (Michael from Underworld), I'd let him bite me...

12. If you were only allowed to read one blog ever again, which blog would it be?
Mine, and I'd click all the links

13. Is there a fellow blogger you would like to snog/shag/do rude things to?
I'm sure there is, but I haven't met them yet

14. Discover a blog. Link to a blog that you have recently found, or a blog you have been reading for a while and haven't blogrolled.
I can't link. A little help over here...

Tag Kez!

I also found a link from a linked blog who had linked this from somewhere else. Congratulations Steph, you have managed to get a mention on the cloud, along with bitey the crab...


Steph said...

I get a mention AND a dinner invite. Fuck me if i aint Teh shitt! Thanks :)

phishez said...

Well you are warrior woman after all