Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Its Date Night!

aka "Introducing Cute Dancer Boy"

And its bout bloody time. I've kept this guy under my hat for a while. When I began dancing I met this guy. And we hit it off from the start. In between trying not to stand on each others feet we just clicked. And after the beginning term, he never returned. I was crushed. But, since I was getting laid at the time, I got over it. However, by chance of fate, he was still doing dancing, but on a different night. Last term he returned. And we hit it off again. Always chatting each other up at the start and end of the night, and sticking together through 'partner change' time to make absolutely sure we had the right steps. Or so we said. Then I asked him to be my dance partner for the coming term. Cue a number swap. Huzzah!

He missed the second last night of term, and I missed the last one. So we haven't seen each other in ages. But we did arrange to 'catch up for coffee' during the break. This slowly got changed to 'coffee and a move' then 'a movie', then 'dinner' and tonight (insert drumroll here) its dinner AND a movie.

I'm not sure if this is a date. That word was never said. I think he feels the same way that I do. But I'm so excited. I'm even going to shave my legs for it! The end result will either be 'wOOt' or 'somebody pass me the chocolate bavarian'. Regardless, it will be fun.


Steph said...

Ohhh how exciting!!
That is a DATE. Spill all as soon as you get home. Mkay.

Cazzie!!! said...

Hi, I dropped in from seeing your cool blog name on Stef's blog roll.
How exciting, I remember back in the day, when my other half and I began dating, I was in High School then...now,17 yrs down the track I still get excited when the car pulls up the drive and my honey walks through the door...and 4 kids later at that!
I hope you have a fun time and just go with the flow love :)

phishez said...

HOLY CRAP! That is the fastest I think I've ever hit comments!

Alas it was a chocolate bavarian night. He got held up at uni. We're going to make plans for next week sometime. Its cram season for the students though, so no holding of the breath please...

phishez said...

P.S everybody, my housematejust broke up with her boy of two years, and has NEVER tried choc bavarian. Until now.

hawkeye23 said...

If you're shaving your legs for it, it must be a date. Good luck!

phishez said...

hawkeye - have you been lurking long?

gav - dute? that would be horrible!!!

hawkeye23 said...

hawkeye - have you been lurking long?

Ah no, lurking's not my thing, phishez rule. I discovered this whole blogging thing on the interweb on Friday, made one of my own and started reading/posting on other peoples' the same day. I'm very efficient ;)