Sunday, October 21, 2007

I got tagged-ed. And since I have nothing better to do, I present to you "5 things that I do, did or like that I’m proud of, but that others may think are totally lame. Plus, I get to tag 5 people to do the same."

I got this one from Redhead in the city.

  1. I talk to myself. Constantly. Complete with facial expressions and hand gestures. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I will go to my bedroom, sit in front of the mirror, and just have a conversation.
  2. I can get through a week on minimal sleep. I seem to pride myself in just how hard I can push myself. But when the weekend comes around, I can sleep competitively. I worked last weekend. So I have two weeks of sleep deprivation to catch up on.
  3. I love to bake, but I'm obsessed with losing weight. So I either throw it out as soon as it comes out of the oven, or I take it to work, feed my co-workers and THEN either give the remainder to someone, or throw them out.
  4. I have quite a big DVD collection. But I haven't even seen half of them.
  5. I find it hard to connect with people. I can go out and make new friends very quickly, but I can't make a long term connection.
So there you have it. Proof that I'm lame. How sad for me. And now I have to tag five people to do this. I pick Kelly, Redcap, Scorpy, Ima and Josh.


Oceanshaman said...

We're all lame . . . don't sweat it . . . the journey is the recognition of being lame, in a lame world, and becoming cool with it . . .

? said...

Girrrl, I talk to myself, too. Constantly. I also laugh at the shit that goes through my mind. Nowadays it's not lame to talk to yourself since many look like they are doing it via those bluetooth (or whatever they're called) ear thingies.

So you're not lame. You're crazy like the rest of us. ;-)

Greyhound Girl said...

Conversations with yourself in the mirror? Okay... I had no idea... :)But isn't nice to talk to someone witty, intelligent and beautiful sometimes?

Ima Wurdibitsch said...

I did it. I don't think anything about your list is lame. I've been known to have conversations with the girl in the mirror, too.

Unknown said...

Talking with one's self assures one of having an intelligent and interesting conversation.

Anonymous said...

You're not lame, you sound pretty motivated and sane to me and I envy that! I could never bake something and then throw it out. I feel I owe the self raising flour and butter my gratitude by munching away.
I talk to myself a lot at night times as well. It's a comfort thing. No one else is there to listen to me are they? (wahhhhhhh, sob sob, boohooo)

Least you don't judge people on Chrissy cards :)

Crushed said...

Some similarities, I guess.

I never talk to myself, except when I preen myself in front of the mirror.

Weekdays, yes, bed at 12.30, up at 6.

weekends- Well, depends on social situations, but I sleep 12 hours two nights in a row every other week.

Baking- No.

DVDs, very few, CDs, about 500, of which there's poss 50 I've never listened too. But of TRACKs on all of them, I've possibly listened to less than half.

Your last one is a conundrum- I'm a salesman, so connecting is one of my strengths, yet in a deeper sense, long term connections are something I back away from.

phishez said...

Ocean - so being cool with my lameness makes me cool?

BB - maybe I should get a bluetooth headset just so I can get away with it.

Prof - sometimes talking to yourself is the only way to talk to your intellectual equal.

Ima - can't wait to read it.

Nick - its not always intelligent or interesting. Its more like blogging out loud.

Betty - Sometimes I eat it, but only a bit and then it goes out.

Ingsoc - you fake the connection to make the sale.

Steph said...

You bake and then throw it out or give it away???? Ohhh girl, your restraint is amazing.

Crushed said...

It's not really fake- you couldn't do it properly if it was- though there are a few one privately dislikes, or just finds irritating.

You do have to generally like people to do it properly, I think.

We don't so much fake connections as prostitute them.

Lad Litter said...

Yes to 1) and a big no to 2) and 5). It's the casual connections I'm terrible at.

The T-Dude said...'s true. I talk to myself a fair amount.

"No, you don't"

Yes I do and I don't care who knows it so shut up!

"Fine, you want to people to think you're crazy, that's your business. Just don't drag me into it."

If you'd just shut up, you wouldn't be in it now. Idiot.

Oceanshaman said...

Cool AND lame, simultaneously . . . yin and yang . . . yield to overcome . . . surrender to prevail . . .

Crazy wisdom, yes indeed . . .

Anonymous said...

I will do it... but for the record I think I am VERY cool...

;-) hehe*snort*hehe

bake me some goodies... because even though I am on a diet... I eat that crap anyway.

That's probably why I am gaining... not losing. :-)

Princess of the Universe said...

I'm with you on the baking thing- I'll bake a zillion cookies, eat one (or the uncooked dough) then bring them all in to work.

OR, make the batter, bake 3, then leave the rest in the freezer. this frequently backfires on me, as I always end up sneaking in and eating the frozen batter.

itelli said...

U're wrong on 5... I 've been following this blog for quite some time now...

Cynic with Flair said...

Oh, me too on the "talking to myself" thing. I find myself a good conversationalist, and then I enjoy what I have to say, so I laugh at myself. I am nuts.

Would it be ok if I linked to you? You are so kind to read my blog and I appreciate it! I love yours too.

fingers said...

Your meme smacks of under-achivement and tells of a life spent unable to finish anything you...zzz...

Keshi said...



phishez said...

Steph - I have to do it because I've got NO restraint.

Ingsoc - you're a prostitute. Makes sense actually :P

Lad - it means you're not a shallow bitch like me.

T - there there, the men in white jackets will be here soon.

Ocean - haha! It suits me then.

Kelly - hey, if you're happy then thats all that counts. And sometimes, just sometimes, when it gets really wild, teh guy needs more to hang on to.

Princess - oooh, frozen dough? I've never tried it, but I'm sure I will soon.

Itelli - thats so sweet. But unfortunately its true. I can't do deep connections with RL people. Well, I can but they lose interest by the time I feel comfortable.

Cynic - you can link me if you like. Don't worry if I haven't got you in the blogroll, its in desperate need of an update. If I read you, you will end up there... eventually.

Fingers - so the meme worked then?

phishez said...

Keshi - is 'interesting' code for 'lame'?

Effortlessly Average said...

Well, at least with the intruduction of blue-tooth technology, you can now talk to yourself in most places and people won't think twice about it. That's what works for me anyway.