Saturday, July 29, 2006

Forever and ever amen!

I had a dance social last night. I love dancing. Its not just the fact that I'm moving for the physical pleasure of moving. Its not the music, the lighting, the intimacy of a close dance. Its also the way that I get along with the people there. They are like an extended family.

While I was there I had one of those Bridget Jones moments. You know where she's comparing herself to the 'perfect woman' to her boyfriend? Well I was doing that. I'm not saying that I'm lacking in anything. I quite like myself the way I am. But there are some things that will never change about me.

I will always be a little too short

I will always be fat

I will always be stand-offish

I will always be strong willed and hot tempered

I will always be independant, to the point of frustration

I will always have difficulty letting other people in

I will never tell unless you ask

I will never ask

I will never be a morning person

I will always be waiting. Waiting for the big gesture. Hell, at the moment I am waiting for little gestures too

I will never tell you when I am disappointed, when I need your support

I will always be a little jealous, or her ass, her shoes, her legs, her tan. Of the way you can so easily interact with everyone else.

I'm quite ok with all of this. Its a part of who I am.


Greyhound Girl said...

other than the "i'll never ask" this could have been written about me! love the list.

Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »