Sunday, November 04, 2007

Weekend round up.

I had an Indian cultural dinner dance last night. I was invited by one of my dance partners a few weeks ago and I said yes. I mean, hell, it's a working weekend and I don't usually get up to much on a working weekend. So I went. And I had a ball. I love Indian Sari's. I think they're such a stunning, colourful item of clothing. And they suit all body types. And I love dancing too. So watching the Bollywood style was absolutely fascinating. The band wasn't that great. But they did play as a DJ for a bit. And I hit the floor then. I ended up trying Bollywood dancing. But I am white, so it doesn't come naturally. I'm sure I stood out like nothing else, but I think I did ok. I'm not used to dancing that much with my hands.

My dance partner and I tried to jive, but there were little people running around the floor. So we gave up on that. Later on the floor was a bit emptier, so we did a cha-cha. And we got a few cheers as we walked off the floor. And a bit later on again we had the entire floor to ourselves as we jived. I'm such an attention whore. I loved it. I wasn't in my dancing shoes, so my footwork was a bit shuffled, but it was still excellent. First time I've ever danced outside classes and I nailed it.

Fantastic night overall. Pissed down as we were preparing to leave, so I got dropped off to where my car was parked. By the time I got to the roof, the rain had stopped. And it was just light most of the way home, until I hit my turn off and it started coming down a bit heavier.


So I worked as well. Both days. Which is a drag but the weather has been absolutely stunning of late, so getting up isn't so bad. And I got some absolutely stunning pictures of the plants (blueberry ash, and a pale pink bottlebrush) around work. In the last bottlebrush pic you can see the sunlight streaming around the plant. And then there was a random sunflower too.

Later on in the morning we had a tame water dragon which we managed to coax up onto a workmates leg, and it even sat there long enough to worry the workmate a bit. He's got big teeth.

And this afternoon I bake. We're losing a valued work colleague so he's throwing us a morning tea tomorrow. I figure I might help out, bake up a storm and assuage my guilt by feeding it all to other people.


Lad Litter said...

Congrats on the dancing success. Good to be the star of the show once in a while, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Sounds as if the dance was a fab experience. I think I can identify. My aristocratic uncle bribed me, when I was in high school, to take a class in ballroom dancing. The way he put it, dancing had been a joy to him all of his life and it seemed to be dying away, except for rock ‘n roll and “slow dancing”: which he saw as an excuse to make on in public.

So I took the class and later another when I was at university. I’ve never regretted being able to dance to whatever music was playing. The bribe my uncle gave me was a custom-tailored tuxedo, which was used often until I married. My wife only knew how to rock ‘n roll and slow dancing and refused to accompany me to any dance that was moiré sophisticated than a high school sock hop.

It sounds as if Spring is sprung on your side of the earth just as autumn is beginning to bring it chills on my side.

Blessings, my dear—and keep dancin’!

Laura said...

I love all that Bollywood stuff. It's all so glamorous.

Crushed said...

Dancing is certainly one of the great pleasures in life.

The lizard looks kind of cute- we don't get reptiles here.

Anonymous said...

I loved this post. Bollywood dancing is a goal of mine..there is a class running for it in Canberra. I'm white as well, but I reckon with my hips, I'll be dancing up a storm ;)

the flowers are gorgeous, I love a pretty garden. how can you not?

not too sure about the reptiles though, I'm not really an animal girl. puppies and kittens are only things I am good with. even my fish die.

yrautca said...

Sounds like fun times.

Cazzie!!! said...

That water dragon is majorly ACE!!

Crashdummie said...

A bollywood night with dancing in saris? Sounds like a fab party to me ;)

Lovely pictures, I especially like the sunflower one. The water dragon looked really cool, but I still wouldn’t wanna bump into one

The T-Dude said...

Love the lizard! My daughter would be so jealous. She practically falls over herself to see a frog, that would cause her to blow a vessel!

jali said...

Yeah, yeah , yeah. Photos of the flowers, photos of the dragon..
Where are the photos of you going to the dance?????

I'll be back tomorrow after the correction is made.

poody said...

I have been trying to learn belly dancing and it too has a lot of hand movements that are very nice actually! Sounds like you had a great time!

Steph said...

Bollywood is friggin HOT and there is no way in hell I'd let that lizard thing on MY thigh! Scary much.

Trundling Grunt said...

Did you wear a sari? You're right - they are so colourful and glamorous. An Indian wedding is an exotic colour explosion.
That lizard is pretty freaky.

adelaine said...

ahhh.. i envy your good weather ;)

Greyhound Girl said...

Beautiful pics! (it's snowing here...)

Josh said...

Love the water dragon - I get them up my way and they are such funky little creatures but not that tame.

I look forward to seeing you on the cover of a Indian DVD at my local seven 11 some time soon!

Lord Chimmy said...

I don't know if I'd want a water dragon that close to my crotch.

Seems likely to end up a "Funniest Home Videos" moment.

Sakura said...

What a cool weekend you had - sounds great. I love saris i think they so beautiful.

I think i would have pee'd myself with that water dragon clawing up my leg, however it looks really cool, but just not on me.

Anonymous said...

I like that picture of the sunflower.

Josh said...

Lovely pictures, I like the fifth one from the top.

I have never been privy to Indian dancing, I shall have to investigate.

phishez said...

Lad - I'm the star all the time baby!

Nick - well he'd be happy to hear that dancing is making a comeback, in a BIG way.

Oestre - and its fun too!

Ingsoc - no reptiles? are you kidding? I live in Sydney and we still have them. Wouldn't be oz without them.

Betty - I can't keep fish. They die and go fuzzy.

Y - it was

Cazzie - I knew you'd love it!

Crashie - trust me, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.

T - download the photos and give them to her if you want.

Jali - My bad. It was dark and my camera doesn't like the dark.

Poody - belly dancing is apparently a hell of alot of fun!

Steph - he's quite tame.

Grunt - no, I didn't wear the sari.

Adelaine - I'm loving it.

Prof - Already?!?

Josh - do they put white redheads on those?

Chimmey - he'd only bite it if it moved...

Sakura - he wouldn't have gone up there. You have to be very still.

Bug - good.

Josh - I wasn't sure if anyone would appreciate the artistic side of it, so thanks.