Saturday, May 06, 2006

OH MY GOD... Blogdrawls

I have been without internet for a week.

This is my definition of blogdrwals... not only is it killing me that I have no way to get myself out of my head, but I am not able to contact my blog buddies, not able to find out whats going on in their lives. And I want to read comments on my blog!!!

Not that I've had much to comment on in the last week. Heartache. Nobody will ever love me. I screwed up with SR. I'm going on holidays in a week, staying in the room of my best mate (who is also a bloke), and if I dont get this SR shit sorted out I can kiss that goodbye.

Work sucks. What the fuck is with work politics. I'm working in a different section two days a week but I'm still expected to chip in with all of the same drudge chores that the political bitch never seems to do. And I'm being targeted for it. This week I had a serious migraine and so had two days in that section in which to complete about 3 and 1/2 days work. NOBODY is that good!

I went out last night. Couldn't deal with the crowd, got frustrated and the normal nightspot just felt dirty and crowded. I was home by 12.30, crying on the couch and drinking.

So blogosphere, I am back. Though with this general mood I may have to stick to publishing forwards and the current spam!


The Mutant said...

blogdrawrals... not good. Crying on couch at 12:30... even not gooder!

Honey I know it's not looking easy from your perspective, tell the stress relief to fuck himself sideways with a cactus, he's not good news at all!

Steph, surely you can back me up on this one right? You need to stick with it Phish, if I find out that you're not heading out on the town and whooping it up I'll be forced to kick your arse! Capiche??

phishez said...

Ok Kez. I will be out this weekend, in style. But is it ok if I have an early night? I kinda have to head off to QLD for my holidays early on in the piece.

And yes. I am currently *supposed* to be staying in the same room as my best mate anyways.