A slightly bigger waterfall.

Highlights include
- Me falling like a tard, over absolutely nothing, getting up and whinging about my bruised ego.
- The Gay Biotch falling about three minutes later. I maintain it was to make me feel better.
- "How is everybody going?" Me: "Yep!"
- I am apparently very funny. Or the girls really like my sense of humour.
- The calories I burnt.
- "And up ahead, we're going to come across a large waterfall." "What, are you going to open your legs?"
- The end. It was a five hour walk. Rough terrain. My legs hurt. So worth it.
- The Blue Mountain Chocolate Company
How far away from where you live is this?
The scenery is beautiful, reminds me of LOTR.
Not been hiking since I was in the scouts.
Don't you get a little nervous being this far from urban existence?
Hey I'm so glad you had a good time, Phish. I MISS THE MOUNTAINS!! Down here in the 'burbs, meh, it isnt' anything.
Loving the bush - what a cool hike.
Ingsoc - that was about a two hour drive from home.
Betty - I'm so sore right now. I just got back from a dancing social. And I couldn't even dance!
Ahh, the Wentworth pass track and Wentworth falls.
Great spot but the climb out is a killer as your legs will be telling you about now.
Nice time of year for that track though, not too hot.
Josh - was absolutely gorgeous. I don't think it was wentworth falls. I think it was three sisters, railway walk, fern bower etc. It was pretty damn long and the steps coming out were murder.
Thank you! I truly enjoy trekking in mountains, especially vicariously sharing a trek with great folks such as you.
Is there really a Blue Mountain Chocolate Company? Do they sell chocolates?
Nick - yes they do. And they are divine. With a price tag to match.
Beautiful scenery-- though it reminds me of the last time that I went hiking and almost had a coronary.
Obesio - I think I almost did.
I'm so jealous, buy me plane tickets and I'll be over there to see it for myself :-)
That looks like a great time. I love a good hike.
That country looks spectacular. Reminds me a little of a couple of spots here in the states that I've trod. I particularly like the long distance shot. Beautiful.
And you're right, you look awesome!
Great photos - Im glad it all went well and nothing ate you.
You look lovely by the way - didn't notice the waterfall for ages - couldn't take my eyes off you...
Love the mountains, so great to get away from cement central.
Those photos are beautiful . I would have a couple blown up and framed for my wall. Nice to be able to see the scenery without the long ,hot walk. TY Phish.
Pie - its very unique. Well worth seeing if you ever come over here.
T-dude - It was a fantastic day.
Mutley - you old smoothie you *bats eyelids*
Steph - We don't do it often enough
Uber - My phone takes shitty photos, not worth blowing up and framing.
I love the mountains, that's part of the reason I still call them home. Even though there's fuck-all to do around here... it sure is pretty.
Sounds like a fun hike.
Josh - fantastic, but painful.
It's a pity you cant climb the Sisters any more. It makes for a fantastic day.
Stephen - I'll bet it does. But I can understand why they don't let you do it. Too many tourists would do too much damage.
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