"Well, I really want them all to be bare breasted. You don't have to be totally explicit, but your shot doesn't even show any cleavage. Now that I have a few more entries I want to keep it that way so I don't get a bunch of entries like that."
It seems that beggars CAN be choosers.
Your thoughts?
Hmmm...well I think your picture should be added to breast secret. It's not like anyone else is volunteering is it?
I was gonna enter, but not only can I not think of anything to right upon my breasts, I shy from showing too much breast interwebs or not.
Yeah, well apparently its full money shot or nothing. Which is why I got rejected.
I almost never write LOL but LO-fucking-L...
That's fucking awesome, Phishez.
You win...
Thanks Fingers. I feel better about it now.
It's my fucking blog, and I will post whatever the fuck I want.
If you don't like it, tough shit.
ooh lala sizzling HOT!
Rejected, ouch...
Well, It seems that bloogers CAN be choosers, so there is nothing for it but to let those puppies free.
Furthermore I propose that somebody start a blog called "poon secret", with mandatory full frontal nudity of girls, their pink bits and their toys. Josh - perhaps you'd like to host it?
Rather lovley boobs by the way.
Phish, It seems we all know your secret now and that Mr Underhill is a pervy cunt for demanding full disclosure. However I have to award him points fro trying...
You have beautiful boobs and I think it only fair that I reward you by placing my penis where ever you desire it.
I also vote that you have more four day weekends if this is the result.
I meant to add this link to my last comment
Hey Underhill, you cunt...
Are the proceeds from the competition going towards your humanitarian effort over at Little Things...
Phish, Ilove your boozzies and I would rather you keep them on here, on your site anyway. Great cleavage girl!
Mr U - ditto.
Keshi - haha. Thanks.
Stephen - I think poon secret would be in breach of the blogger terms and conditions. I checked real hard before I founded penis secret.
Josh - how selfless :P
Stephen (again)- I particularly like the one 'My girlfriend's name is broadband. Sometimes she goes down on me.' Classic
Betty - yeah, anonymous boobs are way too overrated.
Forgive me for saying, but I can see why he wants the full shot.
Hubba Hubba!!!
I may be an old dude, but I am still male. Therefore I am unable to think because all of the blood in my brain has evacuated itself to below my waist.
LOL!!! (laughing at Sometimes Saintly NIck... )
I love a nice set of cans in all their finery! :)
I don't know what the hell Mr. Underskilled thinks cleavage is, because If I'm not mistaken, I can see cleavage.
I think your rack is magnificent, and it's his loss. Shame on you Mr Underhill.
nice boobies, that site sucks for not letting you on ;D
He wants cleavage?
What the hell does he think the arrow is pointing at? The G spot?
So he "really wanted them all to be bare breasted" huh? Perhaps, if he wants bare breast shots so desperately, he should just tear them out of his extensive Playboy collection and write whatever pathetic little "secrets" are twirling around in his purile mind. That way he can scan them in and get all the bare tit he apparently needs for his "fucking blog".
Phishez - you don't need that kind of shit.
And I think the third shot is the best one!
:) :) :) :) :)
Don't show that note to me, I just might take you up on that. LOL
I think it's hilarious and it deserves its own post.
that'll surely get some attention.
if i may suggest my post-it note for your chest:
insert my semen here
effing showoff!
Well I think you have a very nice pair.
Your complexion is near perfect.
Phish...DANG! I love your boobies. I kind of want to pull your blouse down and paint you.
I think you could inspire me to do one of my best pieces. Water colors, I would paint you in water colors.
Sweetie...babes, that is cleavage and I'm an expert on boobs. Sorry you were rejected, but from the look of the remarks, you have fans...woo hoo. Count me one of them.
Let me know if ever you wish to model. I would love to paint a red head, Ciao.
Your breast are truly lovely and his rejection is truly his loss. They are yours, do with them as you will and the hell with Mr. U.
I dunno. Your chesticles seem breast secret worthy to me.
I don't know nothing about that but I love the pictures of the hike and it sounds like you had a great time.
That is fucking bullshit...you've got a smokin hot rack and a message that cracks me up and is fucking fantastic! Fuck them! I like penis there too!
Are you holding out on publishing CANS? I don't give a fuck if they are bra-clad titties or free range or being glabbed by hands with very long...claws.
Shame on you MISTER Underhill.
Phish nice rack baby.
I like some stuff in there too LOL!
Well...I'm speechless....
Would it be bad for me to say I may be turning les over this, LOL... nice bra!
Itelli - trust me, they're better IN bra.
Anon - Ta ;)
Nick - dirty old man. LOL.
Beader - dirty old men are always funny.
Stacy - thanks.
TMAP - which is why I was confused too.
Steph - Meh. Everyone still gets a good gander at them.
SM - Well, I have my own site right here, and I can post any damn thing I want to.
MissE - you would like the full frontal. HA!
Lowry - just because its entertaining, doesn't mean its untrue
Natalia - Thanks
Raffi - nice to know it got the required effect.
Jali - hey, if you've got 'em, flaunt 'em.
Ingsoc - I have such pale skin. Its why I can pull off the hair colour.
SZJ - I thought you might appreciate that one.
T-dude - I really do like to share
Crabby - They're too good to keep secret.
Poody - it was fantastic. Had so much fun and am only now recovered.
Jenny - It is quite a fun passtime.
Kitty - I know which one you are now...
Keshi - it has an interesting feel.
Chucky - speechless is good.
Cazzie - WooHoo!
*blushing, not*
Be proud woman. Be proud.
Your boobs are always, and will always be welcome on my blog, anytime, dressed or not.
Smack - thanks sweets. But these puppies stay dressed.
I'll take them.
I was thinking the opposite, that you had quite a bit of colour.
Trust me, I'm about as white as you can get, I tan yellow.
defaaanately! ;-)
Steve - don't you have rights to a set of your own?
Ingsoc - we're both right. I am colourful, but I have very pale skin. Think snow white with red hair and green eyes.
nice ;)
Phishez - well if you're gonna flaunt them, I say give the full frontal view - so much more to see! ;P
Hubba hubba indeed.
I don't know what breast secret is, but I think you're hot. Sexy. Beautiful. And I like your bra- it's hot! And not enough clevage? For goddess sake, you have great clevage- and I like your secret... :)
Y - thanks :)
MissE - If I'm gonna flaunt them, I'll do it from all angles.
Chai - Is it arrogant of me to say I think so too?
Prof - Nice to know you liked it.
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