I've got a job application to do. For
le dream job. Just so your visit wasn't a complete and utter waste, enjoy this.

| The Nurse Random Gentle Sex Dreamer (RGSD)
Friendly and eager. Sexy in white. You are The Nurse.
Like your male counterpart, The Poolboy, you're a fun and goofy, but giving, friend. You believe that life and love should be taken with a grain of salt. We'll bet you smile a lot, which people find contagious.
Your exact female opposite: The Battleaxe  Deliberate Brutal Love Master | If only they knew the reason...the fact is, you spend WAY more time fantasizing than the average girl. While your friends lean desperately towards love, you're chemically biased towards anti-love: sex. You'd never date someone you didn't find immediately kissable.
To maximize satisfaction, you should find someone carefree and sexual, just like you. Avoid Brutal types at all costs. A final bit of advice: experience doesn't matter. You didn't qualify as a Master, and your perfect match need not either. Consider both The Poolboy (RGSD) and The Playboy (RGSM).
BUT ALWAYS AVOID: The False Messiah (DBLM), The Mixed Messenger (DBLD) |
awwww, no link?
I wanna play too!
Do they have a Vestal Virgin option?
Good luck with the job application - I shall think positive thoughts for you.
I supplied the link... just for you
Garfield....love him. :)
I'm off to play. :)
I'm sending good Karma thoughts around the world just for you. Best of luck getting the new gig!
Phish, I spent years in a recruitment role. Happy to help you, offer some advice on your job application if you want to email it, or you need a hand.
I expect you'll be fine, but the offer stands if you so desire.
I must take the test.
Awww garfield! :)
Adding my good Karma thoughts to t-dude's.
(just came from the other site - phishez really does rule.)
Oh, no!! I just realized that my cat’s alter ego is…. Garfield!
Love it. I took it. I have to say... we sound fuckin awesome. They should be so lucky... seriously!
Aw, I love nurses. You pat them on the head and their nickers fall off.
I tried it once - it works.
Have fun with that job application.
good luck
Hey Phisz, I did that quiz and got a good chuckle out of it. I'm the Wild Rose, haha. Thorns and all, thanks for the link, it was fun.
Good luck! :)
you can nurse me anytime... especially after that chest shot a couple posts ago
Jesus H Christ, Phishez.
I licenced you to be my wing-cunt while I was away but I don't remember ordering the code red on Uber.
Nice work though.
You showed outstanding malice and a level of IT sophistication I'd never expected from someone with such big bongos.
I'm so proud of you...
As I mentioned to Kelly, I'm apparently the Creative Unique Narcissist Thinker.
Hop into your Nurse outfit and give this CUNT a sponge bath will ya, Phishez...
Did you see the rules on the site, apparently you have to take a picture of yourself in a nurse's outfit and post it here for us to see :-) Honest.
Apparently I'm a Vapor Trail, Random Brutal Love Master. I don't know if that's good, I suspect not.
Good luck with job app.
thank you, miss!
much obliged.
Wow, thats awesome!!
Three things.
1) Garfield rocks!
2) I'm the Poolboy...
3) I like ya new pic
Stacy - I love him too. He's all over my locker at work and I was having a damn good chuckle about that one just that day.
T- I likee the karma!
Smack - Thanks. I'll let you know if I need help.
Natalia - yes, yes you must!
Jali - comments like that really make my day.
Nick - I think all cats have their own inner garfield.
Kelly - you didn't have to take the test to know that.
Josh - ROFL. If you look closely, that nurse isn't wearing any underwear.
Y - thanks. Not that I need it, mind.
Betty - glad you enjoyed it.
Eggy - thanks. Not that I need it, mind.
Raffi - I dunno. I can be kinda rough. Not good if you're really sick.
Fingers - I don't like playing with C.U.N.Ts. I prefer Creative Open Caring Kinky's.
Pie - Of all the costumes I have, a nurse isn't one of them.
Miss - you're welcome.
Cazzie - so true huh!
Chucky - Yes. Phwoar. Thanks.
Wow, I never knew nurses and poolboys were on the same wavelength!
MY name was mentioned? LOL
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